Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Insurance firms targeted in credit case

WASHINGTON – Two large insurers Tuesday defended their decision not to tell customers about their less-than-perfect credit, as the Supreme Court debated the legal standard for finding the companies liable under federal law.

PA seeks universal health insurance

Add Pennsylvania to the growing list of states considering mandatory health insurance, as Gov. Ed Rendell on Wednesday unveiled a proposal to cover an estimated 800000 uninsured adults, Financial Times reports.

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Congress may scrutinize insurance industry

Congress may scrutinize insurance industry The Mississippi Press 1/18/7...

How Global Warming Could Impact DO Liability Insurance

Global warming? Greenhouse gases? Climate change? D&O insurance? At first glance, these environmental troubles appear to have little in common with D&O insurance, but attorneys J.

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Get Car Insurance Quotes in Real Time

Great news for people living in the UK. With the prices of Insurance rising up, its always difficult to find out which Insurer provides the best deal. Not any more.

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VX9800 from Asurion insurance company?

My original LG VX9800 cell phone broke so I paid $50 and got it replaced from Asurion insurance company.

CA1: old insurance policy not pro-rated

OneBeacon Insurance v. Georgia-Pacific, No. 06-1993.